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Rulebook Amendments

All classes covered in the Rule Book will be referred to as sanctioned classes

Those classes that are run by a Club or Affiliates such as Beginner/Improver, Walk jog using class rules as guidelines and using legal headgear will be referred to as Non-sanctioned classes.

Please note that activities other than Show events specified in our Rule Book are not covered by our insurance, however social activities for Affiliate or Club members only (Not Day Members) that have been submitted to HSAA for approval and minute by the Club prior to the event will be covered.


AMENDMENTS 2020/2021

Rule 69 Personal Appointment (English)

Bridle Path Hack/Hunter Under Saddle/Hunter Hack/ Hunt Seat Equitation

(iii) Approved Safety helmets, which confirm to the current to the current Australian Safety Standards must be worn in all Hunter Classes by all exhibitors.  The chin strap must be securely fastened under the chin at all times during competition and practice.

Black, brown, navy blue and Green approved Safety helmet, which must conform to the current Australian Safety Standards


Removed Hard hunting Cap

Youth competition must also wear such helmets when competing in Working Cow Horse, Boxing and any sporting events, Lead Line and Youth Walk/Jog/Trot classes.

Note 1 and 2 to remain.


Rule 70 Personal Appointments (English) (Optional)

(i) English Spurs of the un-rowelled type that are blunt, round or that include a smooth rolling ball.  The thickness of the spur can be no more than 1cm with a maximum length of 3.5 cm.


Rule 74 Prohibited Equipment (English) for Showing

(vi) Boots or Bandages

Tendon Boots, splint boots, leg wraps, bandages are allowed in Hunter Hack only. 

Glued on shoes are acceptable in all classes.


Rule 80 Hunter Hack

(f) It is mandatory that a schooling area with at least one (1) practice jump is provided or once course is set in arena exhibitors can practice over one (1) jump only as instructed.



It is strongly recommended that all Affiliates add to their show programs EWD classes.

EWD Showmanship at Halter

EWD Trail

EWD Western Horsemanship

EWD Hunt Seat Equitation

Class rules as per AQHA


Rule 76 Tack Appointments (English)

  • (i) An English snaffle (no shank), Kimberwick (Spanish Snaffle), Pelham (no convertors allowed) and/or full bridle (with two reins); all with cavesson nosebands.

  • (ii) In reference to mouthpieces, nothing can protrude below the mouthpiece (bar). Solid and broken mouthpieces must be between 8mm to 20mm in diameter, measured 25mm from the cheek and cannot have a port higher than 40mm.They may be inlaid, synthetic wrapped, including rubber or plastic or encased, but must be smooth. On broken mouthpieces only, connecting rings of 32mm or less in diameter or connecting flat bar of 10mm to 20mm measured top to bottom with a maximum length of 50mm, which lie flat in the horses mouth or a connecting roller 10mm to 20mm diameter, are acceptable. The diameter of Snaffle bit rings must be a minimum of 50mm and a maximum of 100mm. Any bit having a fixed rein requires use of a curb chain. Straight bar or solid mouthpieces are allowed;

  • (iii) Bits of any style (Pelham, snaffle, kimberwick) featuring mouthpieces with cathedrals, donuts, prongs, edges or rough, sharp material will be cause for elimination.

  • If a curb bit is used, the chain must be at least 12.5mm in width and flat against the jaw of the horse.

Rule 78 English and Rule 102 (viii) Western Prohibited Equipment

  • delete surgical shoes.

Rule 86 (ix) Led Hack – Personal Appointments

  • Dress Pants with Shirt and Tie with either a vest or jacket gloves and hat optional

  • Dress Pants/Skirt and Jacket (tailor suit) gloves and hat optional.

  • Shoes suitable for running, no open toes or heals, flat shoes only. Hacking cane optional.


  • Delete including Western Dressage

Rule 106 Score 0 – Add Failure to demonstrate correct lead or gait, if designated.

Rule 109A Lunge Line (remove Yearling)

Rule 109 and 109A Led Trail and Lunge Line for Yearlings and two year olds up to the 31st July.

Rule 109 Led Trail

  • (remove Yearling)

  • Use same scoring system and penalties as per Rule 106 Trail Class with the addition of 3 point penalty for stepping in or on an obstacles unless specified.

Rule 109B Hunter in Hand Tack Appointments

  • Reins or lead must be held in both hands.

Rule 164

  • When an Affiliate is in control of the venue or show facility, ALL Youth are required to wear an approval safety Helmet (Hard helmet with harness) whilst exercising their horse before and after the show and not in competition. It is also mandatory for ALL Youth to wear an Approved Safety helmet when schooling or competing over fences.

NB It is optional to wear safety helmet in any HSAA event.


AMENDMENTS 2014 / 2015

Rule 78 English and Rule 102 (viii) Western Prohibited Equipment 

delete surgical shoes.

Rule 98 Tack Appointments (Western) Snaffle Bit Reins Pictures
NOT acceptable and acceptable

Rein Handling

Rule 86 (ix) Led Hack Personal Appointments

  • Dress Pants with Shirt and Tie with either a vest or jacket gloves and
    hat optional

  • Dress Pants/Skirt and Jacket (tailor suit) gloves and hat optional.

  • Shoes suitable for running, no open toes or heals, flat shoes only.

  • Hacking cane optional.

Rule 164

  • When an Affiliate is in control of the venue or show facility, ALL Youth
    are required to wear an approval safety Helmet (Hard helmet with harness)
    whilst exercising their horse before and after the show and not in competition.
    It is also mandatory for ALL Youth to wear an Approved Safety helmet when
    schooling or competing over fences.

  • NB It is optional to wear safety helmet in any HSAA event.



AMENDMENTS 2013 / 2014

Rule 77 (ii) Braiding of mane or tail add banding of mane

Rule 86 Hack Classes

  • (ix) Led Hack: Horses must be shown in an English bridle  see rule 88, for personal appointments see rule 87.

  • Minimum age 2 years. To be judges: 60% on confirmation, condition and soundness, and 40% on manners and paces. An exhibitor may show only one horse in each led hack class.

Rule 86 (vii) delete and hackamore.

Rule 101 Tack Appointments Optional Western

  • (vii) False Trails banding are acceptable

Rule 109B Hunter in Hand ? Personal Appointment
If a belt is worn, it should be a plain belt, not of western type or style. Trousers or dress pants should be loose enough to run in; jeans and jodphurs are forbidden.

Rule 237- Showmanship at Halter ? Western Division

  • Equipment change (iii) and (ii) around and change some of the wording, banding to be included in Fitting and Grooming.

  • New section – Disqualification

  • Loss of control of horse

  • Knocking over a cone

  • Off Pattern

  • Willful abuse

Western Dressage Association of America refer to the website accept their rules to be noted at the back of Rule Book Tack appointments and minimum age of 3 years to be added to the rules

Team Sorting Rules

1. There will be 12 head of cattle, numbered 0 to 9, with 2 spare to hold the mob

2. 3 riders will enter the arena

3. The judge will call a number between 0 and 9. Example the judge might call number 7, this will become your first beast

4. Then you must follow on in order. From the example in point 3, your order will be 7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6.

5. You must put the cattle through the gate in that order. If the wrong number goes through the gate out of sequence, this will results in disqualification

6. If a beast with no number gets through the gate, this will results in disqualification

7. If a beast that has been drafted correctly through the gate, then gets back to the mob, this will results in disqualification

8. The rider that puts the last beast through the gate will call time

9. 9 Riders have 2 minutes to complete their run

10. Running a beast into the fence or over the mob will results in disqualification

11. Excessive pressure on cattle or horses will results in disqualification

12. The judge’s decision will be absolutely final

13. If no team gets all the cattle through in the time allocated, places will be determined by the number of cattle they sort in the time allocated

14. You may run 10 teams with one mob of cattle, and each mob must not run more than 4 times in one day

15. All riders must adhere to the dress code as follows:

  • a.Long sleeved shirt

  • b. Brimmed or safety helmet

  • c. Riding boots

  • d. Tidy attire

  • e. All competitors under 18 years must wear approved safety helmet AS38338

  • f. Age limit of horses 3 years & over



AMENDMENTS 2011/2012

Rule 109 B Hunter in Hand

  • Personal Appointments  Delete Suitable recommended – Mandatory attire would be long or short sleeves collared shirt, preferably white, etc.

Rule 61  Disqualification  No Score

  • (p) Any rider that dismounts her horse in any ridden class (exception Reining) before the class is sashed will deemed to be disqualified.


AMENDMENTS 2009/2010

Rule 29A If at any time the arena surface is deemed unsafe or there are any unsafe conditions that could endanger horse or rider, the Judge has the right to cancel or delay the class, in consultation with show Management until such time the situation deems safe.

Rule 31 needs updating in the Rule Book to read recommended maximum pay for an Associate Judge $100 plus all expenses, for an Open Judge $150 plus all expenses, for a day of nine hours or less.

Rule 73 (iv) SHIRT with tie or stock, and ratchatcher.

Rule 85 English Pleasure Horse

(i) Dress

  • Breeches or jodhpurs, Long or short boots, shirt with tie, ratchatcher, Hacking jacket, Hard Hats and Approved Safety helmet. No whips to be carried, not spurs to be worn.

Rule 109A Yearling Lunge Line

  • This class should define what it means to be a Western Pleasure/Hunter under Saddle prospect.

(a) A Western Pleasure/Hunter under saddle prospect etc.

(e) The jog/trot should be soft, relaxed and comfortable with a definite two beat.

(f) The lope/canter should be soft, rolling and comfortable with strong emphasis on a natural three beat.

Rule 95 (ii) 2 years olds

  • 2 year old horses are restricted to competing in a maximum of 5 ridden events per day, these are limited to Hunter under saddle, Western Pleasure, Trail and Western Horsemanship.

Rule 96 (ii)

  • Long-sleeved collared Western shirts.

Rule 96 (iv)

  • Tie, Bandana, Broach or neck lace.

Rule 109B Hunter in Hand - Tack Appointments

  • Bridle is mandatory on horses 2 years and over (as at 1st January)

  • Yearlings and weanlings must be shown in a Halter.

Class Routine:

  • The horse will approach the judging area and set up for inspection  delete (i.e. with all four legs of the horse visible by the judge standing on either side of the horse).

Rule 109B Hunter in Hand - Tack Appointments

  • Bridle is mandatory on horses 2 years and over (as at 1st January). Yearlings and weanlings must be shown in a Halter. No chains are allowed over the nose or through the Horse’s mouth, add chains are allowed under the jaw.

Rule 251 Walk Trot (Jog) Class

  • Age limited to change to Youth only.








Photos Courtesy of Margaret Oakden

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