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​About Us


The Horse Show Association of Australia Inc., or HSAA as most people know it, was established August 1977 in Brisbane with the Meeting of six concerned Breed Societies who saw the need to have uniformity in the general rules governing Horse Show and performance activities.

Since the first rule Book in January 1979 there have been many changes. The HSAA is presently represented by several Affiliated Clubs, Western Performance Clubs, and smaller Breed Associations and of course the many accredited judges.

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What is the structure of the HSAA?

The HSAA is run by a Management Committee which consists of the Office Bearers and members of other Association and Judges. All Judges, and a nominated member of an Affiliate are eligible to be nominate to the Management Committee and all have voting rights.

When are the Meetings and who can attend?

The HSAA Management Committee meets two to three times each year. There is also an Annual General Meeting where all members of the HSAA are welcome to attend and at which the Management Committee is elected.

Rulebooks can be purchased direct from the HSAA Office OR download the RULE BOOK ORDER FORM. A direct deposit can be made to the following bank details.

The rulebook is generally reprinted every three years. Any changes to the rules, judges listing and affiliated club details are listed on the website and updated each year. All affiliated clubs and Judges receive a copy of the minutes of the meetings for their information.

When making decisions the Management Committee takes into consideration its members views as well as outside breed associations to try to keep the majority of rules in line with other Equine Organizations and therefore cause as little confusion as possible in the show ring.

Everyone who competes should have a current HSAA rulebook. It is the competitor’s responsibility to know the rules. The Western Industry is growing every year, with the major influx being in the beginner and Novice rider area, so it is essential to continue to inform and instruct these people so that they can progress. It is a good idea for affiliated clubs to have a few rulebooks on hand to sell to competitors.

The majority of clubs show programs are vastly made up of HSAA recognized events. By owning an up to date rulebook you will know the class routine, and dress requirements. You will know what is allowed, what is prohibited and what you need to do.

How do I become a judge?

The HSAA has developed an On line Judges accreditation. The increased costs and difficulty travelling to all States being impossible in the current climate with COVID, it seemed the obvious alternate.  Applicant judges pack and information is listed on the Judges Page. 


All Judges are required to Refresher every two years by sitting an online written test to make sure they are up to date on the current rules.

Judges Application for an application and on line judges Pack.  


What if I want to become an Amateur Owner?

Most Breed Associations have the facility to enable their members to become a recognized Amateur Owner.? If yours does not, or you have an unregistered horse, or you just don’t wish to gain points through your Breeds Association, then you can apply to become an Amateur Owner with the HSAA for the small annual fee. Click here for an Amateur Owner Application Form.
Direct Deposit now available click here for banking details.

Photos Courtesy of Margaret Oakden

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© 2021 Horse Show Association Australia

8 Balsa Court Caboolture Sth. QLD.

4510. Australia.

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